Greetings from Linda and Will, thanks for stopping by! Here’s a quick blurb about our show: We focus on having real, meaningful and oftentimes hilarious conversations about all things marriage and relationships! Each episode is centered around a specific topic where we share our own unique stories, relatable experiences and things we wish we knew. We want you to feel like you’re just grabbing a coffee, chatting and hanging out with friends. At the end of each podcast, we reflect on our takeaways and lessons learned from our discussions so that we can grow together. Come join us for lots of fun, laughs and an overall awesome time!

Friday Mar 27, 2020
First Year Of Marriage And How To Survive - Episode 01
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
We reminisce about our first year of marriage and wonder how the heck we survived!
Listen as we share our ups, downs, hilarious stories about piling dirty dishes, Will fighting for bed real estate, how we handle arguments, and some of the lessons we've learned so far in our 10+ year relationship.
We definitely don't have all the answers or claim to be experts, but we hope that by sharing our experiences it will help, comfort, entertain and inspire you!
0:00 Intro
4:27 Why Will took forever to propose
10:06 Self love comes first
17:53 Living together & pet peeves
27:53 Tidiness vs cleanliness
32:31 War of territories
38:10 Problems in the bedroom
41:50 Housekeeper saved our marriage
48:44 Prioritizing time for each other
54:00 Why we podcast
57:20 Communication is everything
1:02:55 Being right or being married
1:06:35 Takeaways & lessons learned

Friday Mar 27, 2020
What To Do During The Coronavirus Quarantine - Episode 02
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
What are you doing during the coronavirus lockdown? Sometimes in life, bad things WILL happen. The question is how will you CHOOSE to respond? We share some ideas and what we are doing to stay sane, healthy and how to make the most of the current situation. Some ideas include learning new skills, reconnecting with people, being leaders & role models, and supporting each other as fellow human beings. Stay safe out there!
0:00 Intro
0:48 Welcome banter
2:28 Start of topic
5:18 Cabin fever
7:10 Best use of time
9:30 Ideas to be productive
19:10 Parents & kids at home
24:10 Talking to your Kids
27:01 You have a choice
27:25 Gratefulness & Reconnecting
32:18 Take care of health
35:51 Helping others
43:39 Be a good role model
47:50 Don’t isolate yourself
51:53 Your actions matter
55:26 Takeaways & lessons Learned

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Learning To Be Grateful In Life - Episode 03
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Who doesn't want a life of happiness & fulfillment? It's crazy how much we sacrifice to get to where we want only to be disappointed with a feeling of emptiness, and chase after the next thing in a never-ending cycle. One of the most important lessons that we've learned is to be present & grateful for what we already have right now. By practicing gratitude, we've been able to better deal with stressful situations, and appreciate the little things in life that make it worth living.
0:00 Intro
0:38 Welcome banter
2:04 Start of topic
4:34 Practicing gratitude
5:54 Never-ending chase for more
7:45 Feeling empty inside
11:42 Changing your mindset
15:19 Our morning ritual
19:04 You are already blessed
23:19 Taking our parents to Italy
27:14 Stranded in Europe
30:58 How you respond is everything
37:23 Go with the flow
39:09 What we’re grateful for
44:29 Happiness is a choice

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Growing Up With Immigrant Parents - Episode 04
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
We share our experience growing up in the U.S. with immigrant parents, and being torn between 2 identities as Asian Americans. We laugh about our childhood memories and struggles with areas like education, dating, money, dealing with conflict, etc. Looking back now as adults we really appreciate our parents being so hard on us because it gave us wonderful values and principles to live by, and pass on to others.
0:00 Intro
1:07 Welcome banter
2:25 Start of topic
4:10 Chinese school & music
16:04 Asian parents love comparing
23:36 Saving money & school uniforms
31:34 Strict parents
36:53 No dating until you're married
42:00 Disobeying parents & thinking for yourself
49:27 Bullying and not fighting back
53:52 Too busy to get in trouble
57:40 Skid row and tough love
1:02:09 Embarrassed of Asian food
1:06:40 Takeaways & lessons learned

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Food & Relationships - Episode 05
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
We believe that food plays a critical role in every part of our health including the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. It even has the power to impact the quality of our relationships as well, the connection just might not be so obvious. In this episode, we share our story of how poor eating habits led to low energy, bad moods, arguments, and ultimately a turning point in our lives for the sake of our well-being, relationship, and future.
0:00 Intro
1:17 Welcome banter
1:45 Start of topic
4:23 Poor eating habits
8:11 Obese and not know it
10:15 Food guilt
13:52 Dominant partner wins
16:00 Will burns down kitchens
20:51 Negative impact of food
25:44 Change or die
31:10 Will didn’t know he was obese
33:34 Uncomfortable conversations
36:38 Change is hard
40:40 Stronger together
44:03 Small changes add up
47:34 Junk food is addictive
49:20 It’s a lifestyle not a fad

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Traveling & The Lessons We Learned - Episode 06
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Traveling is one of the best experiences you will ever have in your life. Go on an adventure, see historical wonders, meet interesting people, and eat delicious food all over the world. We talk about how traveling has helped us expand our perspective, be more empathetic, resourceful, and grow as people. Come discover the invaluable lessons we've learned through exploring and experiencing this amazing place we call Earth.
0:00 Intro
0:55 Welcome banter
1:44 Thank you to our listeners
4:14 Start of topic
9:48 Why we love traveling
12:52 The world is huge
17:42 Expanding your perspective
19:18 Will’s first time
22:24 Linda’s favorite country
26:11 Will proposes in Italy
28:56 Unforgettable memories
30:53 Documenting your journey
37:27 Go with the flow
41:27 Travel teaches you a lot
46:29 Enjoy the moment
51:13 Budgeting for travel

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
How Friendships Change As You Get Older - Episode 07
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
IMPORTANT: This was recorded before the quarantine. We talk about how our friendships have evolved over time as we’ve gotten older, and what we value now in our 30s. We share our views on self love, outgrowing and cutting out toxic people, expanding our social circle, and maintaining quality friendships as life gets busier.
0:00 Intro
0:42 Welcome banter
2:26 Start of topic
3:52 Young vs old
5:57 Bullying
8:39 Need to be accepted
10:21 No tolerance for BS
12:50 Real vs fake friends
14:41 Get rid of toxic people
19:00 Life changes friendships
21:01 Expand your social circle
29:54 Hold on to good people
35:31 Nurturing friendships
39:20 You have to make time

Thursday May 07, 2020
Long Distance Relationships Or Nah? - Episode 08
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
**IMPORTANT NOTE: this episode was recorded before the quarantine!**
Should you get into a long distance relationship? Linda and Will share their experiences and thoughts on what they've learned from their 1 year living apart in separate states, and how it actually strengthened their relationship. They also talk about strategies and tactics they've used to maintain and rekindle relationships with friends and family who live far away.
0:00 Intro
0:33 Welcome banter
4:48 Start of topic
7:41 Plan for success
9:44 Growing apart from family
14:21 Visiting parents
17:09 Will’s new nickname
22:28 Be present
24:42 Our long distance relationship
29:12 Growth from being apart
32:54 Setting expectations
37:30 Negotiations & sacrifices
42:43 Takeaways & lessons learned

Thursday May 14, 2020
Traditional Or Modern Wedding? - Episode 09
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Should you have a traditional or modern wedding? If you're like us, we wanted our special day to not only be memorable, but also make sure that our parents feel like they had their input as well. Not an easy task! Growing up in America with Asian immigrant parents, we definitely struggled with finding a balance between having a more modern western style wedding, and including more traditional elements from our cultural heritage. In this episode, we share some hilarious stories about Will's clash with his mom including picking auspicious dates, guest size, tea ceremony, and superstitious rituals.
0:00 Intro
0:44 Welcome banter
1:11 Start of topic
5:24 Traditional vs modern
9:57 Chinese wedding
15:24 300 people guest list
17:29 Funny superstitions
22:08 Will’s mom trolls him
30:08 Arguing with the parents
32:50 Finding a balance
35:58 You can’t please everyone
37:48 Takeaways & lessons learned

Thursday May 21, 2020
Should You Get A Prenup? - Episode 10
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Let's face it, marriage is TOUGH! No matter how much you may love each other in the early stages of your relationship, life happens and things change. No one decides to get married expecting the relationship to fail, but the reality is that sometimes it just doesn't end up working out as planned. That's why we believe that it's important to at least discuss and consider if a prenup might be in the best interest of both you, your partner, and kids/loved ones. It's a touchy subject to be sure, so we discuss the pros & cons of a prenup and how to approach having a conversation with your future spouse.
0:00 Intro
0:46 Welcome banter
1:24 Start of topic
4:00 Celebrity prenups
6:06 Talk with your partner
8:08 How do you bring it up
11:22 Transparency is key
16:15 It’s not just about you
23:14 Do your research
26:12 It’s all about communication