Greetings from Linda and Will, thanks for stopping by! Here’s a quick blurb about our show: We focus on having real, meaningful and oftentimes hilarious conversations about all things marriage and relationships! Each episode is centered around a specific topic where we share our own unique stories, relatable experiences and things we wish we knew. We want you to feel like you’re just grabbing a coffee, chatting and hanging out with friends. At the end of each podcast, we reflect on our takeaways and lessons learned from our discussions so that we can grow together. Come join us for lots of fun, laughs and an overall awesome time!

Thursday May 28, 2020
Does Money Buy You Happiness? - Episode 11
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Does money buy you happiness? It certainly is a big part of our lives, and we work every day to obtain more. Yet, have you ever truly taken the time and effort to ask yourself exactly why you get up every day to work for money? What makes you happy, and how much money do you really need to make that happen? Linda & Will share their thoughts about money growing up, and how that changed over time as they became aware of their own limiting beliefs.
0:00 Intro
1:02 Welcome banter
4:12 Start of topic
5:33 Beliefs about money
8:23 Are rich people evil
13:26 Define what makes you happy
18:43 What is your why
24:50 Strategies for success
29:10 Your beliefs are your reality
33:43 Money gives you options

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
The Importance Of Self Care - Episode 12
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Are you taking care of yourself regularly? Whether it's a relaxing day at the spa, a energetic workout or just a nice chat over coffee with friends, it's critical to practice self care. Life can get so busy that sometimes we forget to pay attention to our own well-being, and this can have a major impact on our relationships as well as our overall health. In this episode, Linda & Will discuss what self care means to them from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. They share how they've learned the importance of self care in order to be at their best for their loved ones and best serve the world.
0:00 Intro
1:15 Welcome banter
3:33 Start of topic
5:50 What is self care
7:29 Physical care
23:42 Mental care
38:24 Emotional care
43:52 Take care of you
47:47 Spiritual care
50:52 Takeaways & lessons learned

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Growing Up In The 90s - Episode 13
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Did you grow up in the 90s? We sure did! In this episode, we take a trip down memory lane and share some fond memories about what it was like growing up in a simpler time before the internet, smart phones and social media consumed our society. Come reminisce and laugh with us as we share stories about floppy disks, dial-up internet, Will’s first PC, beepers, childhood cartoons, and many more! It was a really fun episode to make, and we plan on doing a part 2, so stay tuned!
0:00 Intro
1:02 Welcome banter
2:06 Start of topic
4:50 Before the internet
12:55 How we communicate
20:20 Why are you calling me
22:30 AOL CDs
26:53 Cassettes & Walkmans
32:21 Dial Up internet
33:21 Cable TV & cartoons
36:28 Thomas guides & yellow pages
40:31 Toys R Us
44:04 The mall & glam photos
48:02 90s fashion
49:40 Childhood nostalgia

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
How Technology Has Changed Dating - Episode 14
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
How has technology changed the way we date today? Having grown up during the pre and post smart phone era, Linda and Will share their unique insight on how they feel technology has changed the social dynamics and the way we interact with each other today especially when it comes to dating and romantic relationships. Listen in as they talk about both the positive and negative impact of social media, online profiles, and dating apps and how they have perhaps created an overwhelming amount of options and unrealistic expectations when finding a partner.
0:00 Intro
1:01 Welcome banter
3:53 Start of topic
4:30 Online dating stigma
6:04 Dating in the 90s
12:38 Technology changed the game
19:07 Matchmaking
20:27 Introverts need love too
24:04 Too many options
29:01 Taste the rainbow
31:31 Social media stalking
34:40 Playing the field or settle down
37:23 Women are from Venus
38:24 Safety & background checks
43:07 Put yourself out there
45:01 Love is worth the risks

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Things We Wish We Knew In Our 20s - Episode 15
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
As a young adult in your 20s, the world is still full of possibilities, excitement, and everything is still so new, waiting to be discovered. It's also a time when you might not really know who you are, what you stand for or what you want out of life yet, and that's totally OK. In this episode, Will & Linda have fun discussing what they wish they knew in their 20s now that they are "smarter and wiser" in their 30s. We hope to share important lessons, habits, and perspectives that we've learned through our experiences and maybe help you with your journey no matter what age or where you are right now in life.
0:00 Intro
0:43 Welcome banter
1:48 Start of topic
3:19 Not knowing what you want
6:12 Sample & experiment
8:03 Expand your perspective
9:30 The safe lane
10:33 Fear of failure
16:22 Slow down to speed up
22:00 Burning out
26:57 Asking for help
29:45 Build your network
31:45 Protect your time
33:00 Take risks & explore
36:54 Takeaways & lessons learned

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
What Does Home Mean To You - Episode 16
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
When you think of home, what does that look like for you? What does it smell and feel like? To us, our home is where we can feel safe and truly be ourselves. It’s not necessarily the physical location that matters most, but who you’re with and what vibe you create that makes it home. In this episode, Linda and Will discuss their thoughts on what home is to them, and why it’s so important to build it with intention for a healthy relationship and life together.
0:00 Intro
1:08 Welcome banter
4:34 Start of topic
7:03 Warm and loving
8:39 Do you need a mansion
11:43 Our ideal home
16:51 Pets
19:40 Building memories
22:22 Humble beginnings
23:17 Safe haven
27:04 Takeaways & lessons learned

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
What Would You Like Old Age To Look Like - Episode 17
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
We often hear that getting older sucks, and while there are definitely parts of it that do, we've found that life has gotten better as we've aged. There's a certain beauty that only comes with time and experience, pain and lessons learned. In this episode, we dive deep into what we want our old age to look like, and the things we want to accomplish during this short time on Earth because Time is truly our greatest asset. We share our thoughts on the importance of leaving a lasting impact and legacy, and living a life without regret.
0:00 Intro
1:14 Welcome banter
4:27 Start of topic
8:00 Stigma of aging
11:07 Living with no regrets
13:52 Legacy
19:40 Living with urgency
22:36 Protect your dreams
24:30 Learning to say no
30:14 What do you really want
32:54 Living fearlessly
35:27 Takeaways & lessons learned

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
What Traits Would You Like To Regain From Your Childhood - Episode 18
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Do you remember what you were like as a child? When you were fearless and didn't learn the limiting beliefs you have today as an adult? What about your boundless imagination, unlimited creativity, sense of wonder, adventure, and the biggest dreams you could think of? In this episode, Linda & Will have fun chatting about what traits they miss from their childhood that they wish they still had today. It might be surprising, but sometimes those child-like characteristics could actually be invaluable traits to help us today and in the future.
0:00 Intro
1:10 Welcome banter
2:27 Start of topic
4:04 Creativity & imagination
16:38 Lost childhood traits
19:06 Fearlessness
23:00 Hating my own voice
25:50 Trauma & wounds
29:15 Curiosity & hunger to learn
34:33 Dreaming big
43:22 Regaining your talents
49:55 Staying positive

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
What Does Your Partner Bring To Your Life - Episode 19
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
If you have found a partner whom you can share laughs, cries, ups, downs and all arounds with in life, consider yourselves very fortunate! However, don’t get too comfortable once you’ve found that person. It takes hard work and commitment to nurture and protect the beautiful relationship that you share. In this episode, Will & Linda remind the listeners and themselves the importance of regularly letting your spouse or partner know how much you appreciate having them in your life. Remember, tomorrow is not guaranteed, so make today count!
0:00 Intro
1:01 Welcome banter
1:25 Start of topic
5:00 Will compliments Linda
11:27 Linda keeps it real
14:59 Law of reciprocity
18:04 Learning to listen
24:28 Speaking up
29:29 Insecurities
32:30 Appreciate each other
37:48 Takeaways & lessons learned

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
How We Overcame Cheating & Heartbreak - Episode 20
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Do you remember your last heartbreak? It might be a distant memory now, but at the time it might have felt like your whole world was falling apart. In this episode, Linda and Will share some insight on their last relationships and how they overcame their emotions and feelings. More importantly, they share some of the lessons they learned and how that helped them to grow and learn as people.
0:00 Intro
1:16 Welcome banter
2:48 Start of topic
4:01 Broken heart
9:37 Linda is a heartbreaker
14:03 Drama-free
17:12 Tactics for coping
19:42 Jaded & self destruction
24:00 Focus on you
26:42 Stronger than before
28:49 Takeaways & lessons learned